Fracture bed making procedure

Bed-making in nursing involves creating a clean and comfortable environment for a patient. This is typically done by making a hospital bed with fresh linens, adjusting the bed to the patient’s comfort, and ensuring that any necessary medical equipment is nearby. The purpose of bed-making in nursing is to provide a safe and hygienic environment for the patient and to prevent pressure ulcers and other types of skin injuries. “Fracture Bed-making” is a critical component of patient care in nursing and should be performed regularly to maintain a clean and comfortable environment for patients with fractures. A “Fracture bed” is one that is used for an orthopedic patient with a fracture of the trunk or extremities to provide firm support by the use of firm matters that rest on the bed board of the fractured board. The bed is prepared for patients with fractures of the trunk and extremities. A hard firm board is used to give support


Fracture bed definition

Fracture bed is a hospital bed designed specifically to meet the needs of patients who have suffered fractures. It has special features to provide the patient with the support and comfort they need while they heal and regain mobility. These beds can be adjusted to provide optimal positioning and support for the patient. They may also include features such as side rails to prevent falls, bed alarms, and other safety measures.

Types of Fracture Bed

In a hospital setting, the term “fracture bed” refers to a specially designed bed used for patients with fractures. These beds are typically equipped with features to help keep the patient in a comfortable and stable position, reduce pressure on the injured area, and promote healing. They may also have adjustable height and angle features to help with repositioning and mobility. Some common types of fracture beds include low-air loss bedsorthopedic beds, and traction beds.

1. Low-air loss bed

A low-air-loss bed is a type of medical bed used in hospitals and care facilities. It has an integrated system that constantly circulates air through the mattress, providing pressure relief and reducing the risk of pressure ulcers. The circulating air helps to maintain the skin’s moisture level and temperature, promoting healing and comfort for patients who may be bedridden for long periods of time. These beds are commonly used for patients with critical illnesses, spinal cord injuries, burns, and other conditions that require prolonged bedrest.

2. Orthopedic bed

An orthopedic bed is a type of hospital bed specifically designed for individuals with orthopedic conditions or injuries, such as fractures, joint replacements, or spinal cord injuries. These beds typically feature adjustable positions and specialized support systems to help promote proper posture and alleviate pressure on the bones and joints, helping to reduce pain and improve recovery.

3. Traction bed

A traction bed is a medical device used in hospitals to treat musculoskeletal injuries, particularly fractures of the limbs or spinal column. It consists of a bed equipped with ropes or weights that apply traction to the affected limb or body part, reducing pain and allowing for better alignment and healing. Traction can be applied continuously or intermittently, depending on the patient’s needs and the type of injury.

Fracture Bed making purpose

A fracture bed is a type of bed used for patients who have suffered a broken bone or a fracture. Its purpose in nursing is to provide support and comfort to the patient during the healing process, while also promoting proper alignment and immobility of the affected limb to promote healing. The bed can also be adjusted to meet the patient’s needs and provide proper positioning to reduce pain and pressure on the affected area. The use of a fracture bed is an important aspect of the overall care plan for patients with fractures, helping to ensure a smooth and successful recovery.

  1. To provide a firm base to prevent sagging of the mattress and
    movement of the part.
  2. To immobilize the fractured part, so that pain is less. To make the patient as comfortable as possible.
  3. To maintain position.To prevent movement of the fractured bone, especially in spinal fracture and fracture of the skull bone.

Articles of fracture bed

     All articles are required the same as a simple bed. Only some extra materials are required to make a fracture bed for the patient as given in the table:


Articles required



Fracture board.

To provide firm support


Bed cradle if required.

To take the weight of bed linen off the pt.


Sandbags with cover if necessary.

To immobilize the painful joints.


Extra pillow.

To provide support and comfort


Air cushion with cover.

To relive pressure from the sacral area.

Fracture bed-making procedure

Steps of


1.  The mattress is removed and the fracture boards are placed on top
of the bedsprings.

To provide firm support


2.  The mattress is then placed on top of the fractured board.

To relieve the direct pressure from the fracture board

3.  The bed may be made up as a simple bed.


4.  The cradle is placed over the affected part on the splint or
plaster of Paris, which may have been applied.

To keep the weight of the bedclothes from pressing

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