Mastering Nursing Skills : The Power of the Demonstration Method

Demonstration Method

What is the demonstration method?

A demonstration method is a form of teaching that involves the teacher demonstrating a task or concept to the students. The students then observe and learn from the demonstration. This method is often used in hands-on learning situations, such as in science or cooking classes.

In nursing education, it is used for clinics, conferences, laboratories Classes, symposia & teaching of health to patients. Obviously the demonstration method is of most impotent in the teaching of nursing. The demonstration method teaches by exhibition & explanation.

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Demonstration method definition

      “The demonstration method is an explanation of a process. It trains and explains to the students the art of careful observation which is essential to a good nurse.”


Demonstration method uses

  • To demonstrate experiments & the use of experimental equipment in the scienence laboratory.
  • To demonstrate procedure in the classrooms the ward.
  • To introduce a new procedure.
  • To teach the patient a procedure or treatment which he must carry out in the home.
  • To demonstrate a procedure at the beside or in the ward.


Demonstration method type

Certainly, here are some types of demonstration methods commonly used in nursing education:

Live Demonstrations

Instructors perform skills or procedures in real-time, allowing students to observe and ask questions as they occur.

Lecture Demonstration

Lecture demonstration is a combination of the lecture & the demonstration .Its purpose is to point out relationship as they occur during a demonstration . These may be in the nature of properties of matter ,explanation of structure or steps of a procedure .This method is used extensively in teaching sciences & nursing subjects.

Video Demonstrations

Pre-recorded videos showcase various nursing techniques, providing students with visual examples that they can watch repeatedly for reinforcement and understanding.

Television Lecture Demonstration

The television lecture demonstration is the method used most frequently in TV teaching .Because of the nature of the medium in which photography & audio tape are combined & because of time limitations , the preparation of TV lecture is more exacting than the regular classrooms.

Simulation-Based Demonstrations

Utilizing high-fidelity manikins or simulation software, students practice nursing procedures in a controlled environment that mimics real-life clinical situations.

Peer Demonstrations

Students demonstrate skills to each other, fostering a collaborative learning environment where they can learn from their peers’ techniques and feedback.

Interactive Demonstrations

Instructors engage students in hands-on activities or role-playing scenarios to actively involve them in the learning process and reinforce their understanding of nursing concepts.

Online Demonstrations-

Through virtual platforms or interactive modules, students can access demonstrations remotely, allowing for flexible learning opportunities and self-paced instruction.


Characteristics of a good demonstration

The following principles are applicable to all demonstration performed by both the teacher & student.

  • The demonstrator should understand the entire procedure before attempting to perform for others. This sometimes necessitates review before performance.
  • All equipment should be assembled & pretested before the demonstration take place. This saves time & ensures that the apparators will be in good working condition.
  • ADVANCE KNOWLEDGE The group as well as the demonstrator should have advance knowledge of the general procedure to be followed in the demonstration. Its relation to the unit & its purpose .Otherwise the student’s attention will not be focused on the procedure , her mind will be distracted by quetions relating to the perfomance –why is it being given , what it means , what is to follow. She should give specific instruction about everything .From the apparatus to the demonstrator & the method she will use.
  • A POSITIVE APPROACH SHOULD BE USED Emphasis should be placed on what to do, rather than what not to do.
  • EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE A GOOD VIEW of the demonstration. This necessitated that the group be fairly small in size so that every one can be seated.
  • RUNNING COMMENTS The person in charge of the demonstration should accompany it with running comments relative to materials used, amounts, necessary, processes taking place,& anticipated results. However , the commentary should be limited to facts. if an actual patient is used in the demonstration, explanations & comments must be regulated accordingly.
  • THE SETTING FOR THE DEMONSTRATION Should be as true to life as possible. Demonstration of a nursing procedure should be done on a live model where ever possible. If a patient is used, he should be told the purpose of the demonstration & shown every other possible courtesy. No patient should be used without his consent.
  • A DISCUSSION period should always follow the demonstration. This affords an opportunity for re-emphasis, questioning, recall , evaluation & summary while the procedure is still fresh.
  • PROMPT PRACTICE If the purpose of a demonstration is to teach for skill, the student should be given an opportunity to practice the procedure as soon as possible after the demonstration. The sooner practice takes place after demonstration, They better the learning.


Steps in lecture cum demonstration method

The lecture cum demonstration method combines traditional lecturing with practical demonstrations to enhance learning. Here are the steps involved:
  1. Introduction: Begin by introducing the topic of the lecture and its relevance to the nursing curriculum. Provide an overview of what will be covered during the session.
  2. Lecture Component: Deliver a structured lecture that covers theoretical concepts, principles, and guidelines related to the topic. Use visual aids, case studies, and examples to clarify key points and engage students.
  3. Demonstration Preparation: Prepare the necessary materials, equipment, and resources for the demonstration. Ensure that the demonstration area is set up in a safe and conducive environment for learning.
  4. Demonstration Presentation: Perform a live demonstration of the nursing skill or procedure being taught. Explain each step clearly, demonstrating proper technique, safety precautions, and potential pitfalls to avoid.
  5. Student Observation: Encourage students to observe the demonstration closely, paying attention to the sequence of steps, hand movements, equipment usage, and other relevant details. Provide opportunities for students to ask questions and seek clarification as needed.
  6. Hands-on Practice: After the demonstration, allow students to practice the skill or procedure themselves under supervision. Provide guidance, feedback, and encouragement to help students develop confidence and proficiency.
  7. Feedback and Evaluation: Provide constructive feedback to students based on their performance during the hands-on practice. Address any areas of improvement and reinforce correct techniques. Use formative assessment methods to evaluate student understanding and skill acquisition.
  8. Conclusion: Summarize the key takeaways from the lecture and demonstration session. Emphasize the importance of applying theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios in clinical practice. Encourage students to continue practicing and refining their skills outside of the classroom.
  9. Follow-up: Follow up on the lecture cum demonstration session with additional resources, readings, or assignments to reinforce learning. Encourage students to reflect on their learning experiences and identify areas for further development.


Advantages of demonstration

  • It provides an opportunity for observational learning.
  • It activates several senses.
  • It co-relates theory with practice.
  • It is understandable to all.
  • The demonstration method is adaptable to both group & individual teaching.
  • It gives the teachers an opportunity to evaluate the students knowledge of a procedure,& to determine whether teaching is necessary.
  • It serves as a strong motivational force for the student.
  • Return demonstration by the student under supervision of the teacher provides an opportunity for well-directed practice before the student must use the procedure on the ward.


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Incorporating demonstration methods into nursing education enhances the learning experience by providing students with practical, hands-on opportunities to observe, practice, and master essential skills and procedures. Whether through live demonstrations, video tutorials, simulations, peer interactions, or online modules, these methods offer diverse approaches to cater to different learning styles and preferences. By actively engaging students and fostering a supportive learning environment, demonstration methods contribute significantly to the development of competent and confident nursing professionals.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Why are demonstration methods important in nursing education?

Demonstration methods offer students the opportunity to observe and practice nursing skills in a controlled environment, helping them build confidence and proficiency before applying these skills in clinical settings.

How can demonstration methods accommodate different learning styles?

By utilizing various formats such as live demonstrations, videos, simulations, and interactive activities, demonstration methods cater to visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and other learning preferences, ensuring that all students can effectively engage with the material.

Are demonstration methods only suitable for certain nursing skills?

No, demonstration methods can be applied to a wide range of nursing skills and procedures, from basic techniques like patient positioning and wound care to more complex interventions such as medication administration and advanced life support.

Can demonstration methods be adapted for online learning?

Yes, demonstration methods can be adapted for online learning through the use of video tutorials, virtual simulations, interactive modules, and live demonstrations via webinars or video conferencing platforms, providing flexibility and accessibility to remote learners.

How can students maximize the benefits of demonstration methods?

Students can actively engage in demonstration sessions by asking questions, participating in hands-on activities, seeking feedback from instructors and peers, and practicing skills repeatedly to reinforce their learning and proficiency.

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