
  • Open Bed making Procedure | Introduction | Definition | Purposes | Scientific Principals | Articles

    Open Bed making Procedure | Introduction | Definition | Purposes | Scientific Principals | Articles

    Open bed making procedure | Occupied bed making procedure has the same meaning, don’t be confused. Bed-making is a fundamental nursing skill that involves the preparation and maintenance of…

  • Female Catheterization in Hindi

    Female Catheterization in Hindi

    How to do female catheterization? महिला कैथीटेराइजेशन कैसे करें? Nursing students’ के लिए बहुत हि आसान भाषा में Female catheterization procedure केसे करना है? अब गौर करने वाली बात यह है कि जब…

  • Mastering Nursing Skills : The Power of the Demonstration Method

    Mastering Nursing Skills : The Power of the Demonstration Method

    Demonstration Method What is the demonstration method? A demonstration method is a form of teaching that involves the teacher demonstrating a task or concept to the students. The students…

  • Tracheostomy Care : A Comprehensive Guide

    Tracheostomy Care : A Comprehensive Guide

    Tracheostomy Care Introduction Tracheostomy care is a fundamental aspect of nursing practice, particularly for patients who require assistance with breathing due to various medical conditions. As nursing students, it…

  • Bag technique in Hindi

    Bag technique in Hindi

    Bag technique in Hindi  बैग तकनीक हिंदी में Bag technique in Hindi के इस लेख में हम आपको सबसे पहले यह बताएँगे कि “बैग तकनीक” सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य नर्सों (CHNs –…

  • Bag technique Procedure in nursing

    Bag technique Procedure in nursing

    Bag Technique Introduction The bag technique is a systematic technique/procedure performed in the community in which community health nurses systematically place the bag in various settings at home, school,…

  • Lumbar Puncture Procedure: A Comprehensive Guide

    Lumbar Puncture Procedure: A Comprehensive Guide

    Introduction A lumbar puncture procedure (LP) is used to collect a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for diagnostic testing. CSF is the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal…

  • Blood Transfusion : Understanding the Lifesaving Power of Blood Transfusion

    Blood Transfusion : Understanding the Lifesaving Power of Blood Transfusion

    Introduction Blood Transfusion The administration of blood or blood components to replenish the circulating blood volume or to treat a specific condition is known as a blood transfusion. Blood…

  • Penectomy : The Surgical Procedure

    Penectomy : The Surgical Procedure

    Introduction Penectomy is a surgical procedure involving the partial or complete removal of the penis, a significant and life-altering surgery. This procedure can be performed for various medical and…

  • Penectomy


    Penectomy meaning  Penectomy is a medical procedure that involves the surgical removal of the penis. This procedure may be performed for various medical reasons, such as the treatment of penile cancer, or severe trauma, or…

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Nanda Nursing Online Learning Platform is designed to provide nursing students with an opportunity to learn and practice the skills needed to become registered nurses or advance their nursing careers.