Foundation of Nursing

  • Open bed making procedure in Hindi | ओपन बेड मेकिंग

    Open bed making procedure in Hindi | ओपन बेड मेकिंग

    बिस्तर बनाना एक बुनियादी नर्सिंग कौशल है जिसमें रोगी के बिस्तर की तैयारी और रखरखाव शामिल है। ओपन बेड बनाने की प्रक्रिया एक विशिष्ट तकनीक है जिसका उपयोग रोगियों…

  • Oral care nursing procedure – conscious and unconscious patient

    Oral care nursing procedure – conscious and unconscious patient

    Self-oral care for admitted persons in hospitals is difficult due to their different health conditions, so nurses have to help them with the care of oral cavities with skills.…

  • Open Bed making Procedure | Introduction | Definition | Purposes | Scientific Principals | Articles

    Open Bed making Procedure | Introduction | Definition | Purposes | Scientific Principals | Articles

    Open bed making procedure | Occupied bed making procedure has the same meaning, don’t be confused. Bed-making is a fundamental nursing skill that involves the preparation and maintenance of…

  • Female Catheterization in Hindi

    Female Catheterization in Hindi

    How to do female catheterization? महिला कैथीटेराइजेशन कैसे करें? Nursing students’ के लिए बहुत हि आसान भाषा में Female catheterization procedure केसे करना है? अब गौर करने वाली बात यह है कि जब…

  • Florence Nightingale Pledge

    Florence Nightingale Pledge

    Florence Nightingale’s Pledge The Florence Nightingale Pledge is a modified version of the Hippocratic Oath, taken by nurses as a commitment to uphold ethical standards and provide compassionate care…

  • Haircare- Hair Care Nursing procedure in Hindi

    Introduction of Haircare in Nursing HairCare में nurse को मरीज के बालों की देखभाल करना  होती है और यह procedure सही तरीके से और aseptic technique द्वारा करना होती है। तो अब हम HairCare Nursing…

  • Tracheostomy Care : A Comprehensive Guide

    Tracheostomy Care : A Comprehensive Guide

    Tracheostomy Care Introduction Tracheostomy care is a fundamental aspect of nursing practice, particularly for patients who require assistance with breathing due to various medical conditions. As nursing students, it…

  • Sponge Bath Procedure : Maintaining Personal Hygiene and Comfort

    Sponge Bath Procedure : Maintaining Personal Hygiene and Comfort

    Sponge bath Introduction Sponge bath, also known as bed bath or bed wash, is a hygiene procedure performed by nurses to clean and refresh a patient who is unable…

  • Eye Irrigation: A Comprehensive Guide to Safe and Effective Eye Care

    Eye Irrigation: A Comprehensive Guide to Safe and Effective Eye Care

    Introduction of Eye Irrigation Eye care procedures in nursing involve various techniques and interventions to maintain and improve the health of the eyes. These procedures aim to prevent eye…

Nanda Nursing Classes

Nanda Nursing Online Learning Platform is designed to provide nursing students with an opportunity to learn and practice the skills needed to become registered nurses or advance their nursing careers.