Antenatal Physical Examination

Pregnancy is an extraordinary time in a woman’s life, full of excitement and anticipation as a new chapter begins. This journey, while joyous, also brings about significant changes and challenges for the expectant mother. Ensuring the health and well-being of both the mother and the developing baby is paramount during these nine months. One of the key ways to achieve this is through regular antenatal physical examinations.

Antenatal physical examinations are thorough check-ups performed by healthcare providers throughout pregnancy. These visits are designed to monitor the progress of the pregnancy, assess the health of the mother and baby, and detect any potential complications early on. During these examinations, vital signs are checked, the baby’s growth is measured, and various tests are conducted to ensure everything is on track.

The importance of these regular check-ups cannot be overstated. They help identify any issues that may arise, such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or growth restrictions, allowing for timely interventions that can prevent more serious problems down the line. Additionally, antenatal visits provide an invaluable opportunity for expectant mothers to ask questions, express concerns, and receive advice on everything from nutrition to childbirth preparation.

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Antenatal care is the systemic examination & advices given to the pregnant women at regular & periodic intervals based on the individual needs starting from the beginning of pregnancy till delivery. Antenatal examination is carried out whenever visit the clinical the clinical for antenatal check up. Antenatal physical examination is a crucial part of prenatal care, aiming to assess the health and well-being of both the mother and the fetus.




Antenatal care refers to the care given to the expectant mother from the time the conception is confirmed until the beginning of labour.

Purposes of Antenatal Examination

  • To screen the high risk cases
  • To prevent or to detect and treat at the earliest any complications.
  • To ensure continued medical surveillance and prophylaxis.
  • To educate the mother about the physiology of pregnancy and labor by demonstrations, charts and diagrams , so that fear can be removed and psychology is improved.
  • To discuss with the couple about the place, time, and mode of delivery.
  • To motivate the couple about to the need of family planning and also appropriate advice to couple seeking medical termination of pregnancy
  • The objective is to ensure a normal pregnancy with delivery of a healthy baby from a healthy mother.

Importance of Antenatal Physical Examination

An antenatal physical examination is essential for:

  • Monitoring the health and well-being of the mother and fetus
  • Identifying potential complications or concerns early on
  • Providing personalized guidance and advice to the mother
  • Facilitating early intervention and treatment if necessary
  • Remember, antenatal physical examination is an essential part of prenatal care, and it is crucial to follow the recommended guidelines and protocols to ensure the best possible outcomes for both the mother and the fetus.

Frequency of visits to the antenatal clinic

The four-visit ANC model outlined in WHO clinical guidelines

First Visit

8-12 weeks Confirm a pregnancy and EDD and classify women for basic ANC(four visits)or more specialized care. Screen, treat, and give preventive measures. Develop a birth and emergency plan. Advise and counsel.

Second visit

24-26 weeks Assess maternal and fetal well-being. Exclude PIH and anemia. Give preventive measures. Review and modify birth and emergency plan. Advise and counsel.

Third visit

32 weeks Assess maternal and fetal well-being. Exclude PIH, anemia, multiple pregnancies. Give preventive measures. Review and modify birth and emergency plan. Advise and counsel.

Fourth visit

36-38 weeks Assess maternal and fetal well-being. Exclude PIH, anemia, multiple pregnancy, mal presentation. Give preventive measures. Review and modify birth and emergency plan. Advice and counsel.

Antenatal Physical Examination Procedure at the first visit

When a woman comes to the health facility health care worker (ASHA, ANM, CHO, Staff Nurse, Doctor, Gynecologist) assess the health status of the mother and fetus, screen out the risk pregnancy, and formulate a plan of subsequent management, they also obtain baseline information against which the subsequent changes are assessed and which are of importance in the determination of the gestational age. let’s learn about first-time visit antenatal women’s checkups  

Articles Used in Antenatal Examination

The articles used in antenatal examination depend on which examination you want to check and where you are performing the examination like community, home visit or hospital setup, by the way, articles used in antenatal examination are

Procedure of Antenatal Assessment | Antenatal Assessment Procedure | Antenatal Physical Examination Procedure | Antenatal Examination Procedure

The antenatal assessment procedure performed in Ayushman Arogya Kendra (HWC) level  

This is the first time antenatal physical examination performed by Community Health Officer at health and Wellness Center (HWC) now a day their name is “

/” in India. If we taking about other county antenatal physical examination it may be in different sequence but this is the systematic antenatal physical examination followed in india.

Health Teaching During Pregnancy

Health promotion during pregnancy begins with Reviewing aspects such as
⦁ Antenatal check ups
⦁ Antenatal Diet
⦁ Antenatal Counseling
⦁ Antenatal Exercise
⦁ Weight gain
⦁ Antenatal Hygiene
⦁ Rest and sleep
⦁ Bowel Care
⦁ Care of breast
⦁ Clothing, shoes and belt
⦁ Dental Care
⦁ Coitus
⦁ Travel
⦁ Smoking and alcohol
⦁ Immunization
⦁ Contraceptive advice
⦁ Well- baby care


A woman’s health prior to conception and during her pregnancy is critical to the outcome of the pregnancy and may have a lifelong impact on her baby’s health. All women planning a pregnancy are advised to their general practitioner.

FAQs About Antenatal Physical Examination

What is an antenatal physical examination?

An antenatal physical examination is a thorough check-up conducted by a healthcare provider during pregnancy to monitor the health of both the expectant mother and the developing baby. It includes checking vital signs, measuring the growth of the baby, and assessing overall well-being.

How often should I have an antenatal physical examination?

The frequency of antenatal physical examinations depends on the stage of pregnancy and any specific health concerns. Typically, they are scheduled monthly during the first 28 weeks, bi-weekly from 28 to 36 weeks, and weekly from 36 weeks until delivery.

What happens during an antenatal physical examination?

During an antenatal physical examination, the healthcare provider will check your blood pressure, measure your weight, assess the size and growth of the uterus, listen to the baby’s heartbeat, and possibly perform blood and urine tests. They may also discuss any symptoms or concerns you have.

Why is measuring blood pressure important during pregnancy?

Measuring blood pressure during pregnancy is crucial because it helps detect conditions like preeclampsia, which can lead to serious complications if not managed properly. Regular monitoring ensures timely intervention if blood pressure levels are elevated.

What is fundal height, and why is it measured?

Fundal height is the distance from the top of the uterus to the pubic bone. It is measured to assess the growth and development of the baby. This measurement helps determine if the baby is growing at a normal rate and can identify potential issues such as growth restrictions or multiple pregnancies.

Why are urine tests conducted during antenatal check-ups?

Urine tests during antenatal check-ups help detect conditions like urinary tract infections, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia. They can reveal the presence of protein, sugar, and bacteria, providing important information about the mother’s health.

What should I bring to my antenatal physical examination?

You should bring your maternity notes or any documentation related to your pregnancy, a list of any medications you are taking, and any questions or concerns you have for your healthcare provider. It’s also helpful to keep a record of your symptoms and changes in your health.

How can I prepare for my antenatal physical examination?

To prepare for your antenatal physical examination, wear comfortable clothing, drink plenty of water if a urine sample is needed, and avoid heavy meals before the appointment if a blood test is scheduled. Prepare a list of questions or concerns to discuss with your healthcare provider.

Can my partner attend the antenatal physical examination with me?

Yes, in most cases, partners are welcome to attend antenatal physical examinations. Having your partner present can provide emotional support, and they can also participate in discussions about your pregnancy and baby’s health.

What should I do if I miss an antenatal appointment?

If you miss an antenatal appointment, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible to reschedule. Regular check-ups are important for monitoring the health of you and your baby, so it’s crucial to keep all appointments or reschedule promptly if necessary.

If you have any queries please ask in the comment section our expert will clear your doubts 

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