Bag technique Procedure in nursing

Bag Technique Introduction

The bag technique is a systematic technique/procedure performed in the community in which community health nurses systematically place the bag in various settings at home, school, or any industrial area to provide care to people, with needed articles. As we know before performing every procedure healthcare must do hand hygiene and follow an aseptic technique, the same as health care performs any procedure except in hospital settings they adopt the Bag technique for the placement of articles to perform the procedure of any care which patient required.


Definition of bag technique

Bag technique is a systematic procedure of placement of articles to perform the procedure of care in the community field.

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What is a community bag or a public health bag?

community bag or public health bag explained in detail –

  • Every skilled professional need some tool of instruments to do the procedure during home visits.
  • The nurse’s bag is the vehicle for carrying the tools needed during a home visit. They need their bag wheeler whenever to serve.
  • The public health bag is designed to carry equipment and material needed during a visit to the home, school or factory. Equipment and material are needed to make tests and demonstrate patient care such as eye irrigation, application of ointments and medications, urine testing etc.
  • The community bag should be made up of canvas, the leather of light metal. The bag can be carried by hand or on the shoulder.
  • The community bag should have outside pockets for keeping a note-book, waste papers bag, folders, newspapers, stationery and mackintosh.

Purpose of bag technique

The public health bag is needed during each home school or industrial visit. The bag is needed to keep everything inside and outside the bag that is needed to do the procedures in the homes
Demonstration of nursing care requires essential materials ready for use, which are carried in the bag. Cleanliness is one of the main lessons to learn and teaching the use of the bag is an excellent demonstration of cleanliness.

The bag technique can be used to provide a variety of nursing care services in the home, including:

  • Assessment: The CHN can use the bag technique to gather information about the patient’s health and needs.
  • Intervention: The CHN can use the bag technique to provide nursing interventions, such as wound care, medication administration, and immunizations.
  • Education: The CHN can use the bag technique to provide health education to patients and their families.
  • Support: The CHN can use the bag technique to provide emotional and social support to patients and their families.
  • The bag technique is an essential tool for CHNs who provide care to people in their homes. It helps CHNs to be more efficient and effective in providing care, and it allows them to provide a wider range of services to their patients.


Principal of bag technique

The bag technique is a method used by community health nurses (CHNs) to provide nursing care to people in their homes. It is a systematic way of organizing and carrying the supplies and equipment needed for home visits. The bag technique helps CHNs to be more efficient and effective in providing care.

The bag technique is based on the following principles, Bag technique principal are as follows:

  • Organization: The bag should be organized so that supplies and equipment can be easily found.
  • Accessibility: The bag should be accessible so that the CHN can easily reach it during the home visit.
  • Safety: The bag should be sturdy and secure so that supplies and equipment are protected.
    Cleanliness: The bag and its contents should be clean and free of contamination.



Bag Technique Benefits

Here are some of the benefits of using the bag technique in community settings:

  • Improved efficiency: The bag technique helps CHNs to be more organized and efficient during home visits. This means that they can spend more time providing care to patients and less time searching for supplies.
  • Improved effectiveness: The bag technique helps CHNs to provide more comprehensive and effective care to patients. By having all of the necessary supplies and equipment on hand, CHNs can address a wider range of patient needs during a single visit.
  • Improved quality of care: The bag technique helps CHNs to provide higher quality care to patients. By using a systematic approach to organizing and carrying supplies, CHNs are less likely to make mistakes.
  • Improved patient satisfaction: Patients appreciate it when CHNs are organized and efficient. The bag technique helps CHNs to provide care in a timely and professional manner, which can improve patient satisfaction.

Bag technique equipment

The bag technique equipment follows articles in the outside pocket

  • Bag should consist with newspaper of plastic sheet, stationeries, family folders, flash cards and waste paper bag.


The bag technique equipment is in side flap

  • Tablet containers should have Paracetamol, Septran, Multivitamin of B-Complex, Antehelmenthics, Flagyl, of anti- inflammatory drug if any.

The bag technique equipment is in lower compartment

  • Urine analysis kit should contain the following such as specemen bottle, kidney tray, test tubes, test tube holder, match box and sprit lamp.
  • The hand washing items are such as soap, towel, small mackintosh or a plastic sheet and plastic aprons, etc should be used. For physical assessments, fetus scope, inch tape and spring balance and used.

The bag technique equipment is in sterile compartments / inner chamber

  • Artery forceps thump forceps, small bowl and scissors.
  • Clinical and rectal thermometer.
  • Sterile dressings in a bowl with lid of in a packed cloth as extra.
  • Sterile pack contains small pieces of gauge, cotton wools, swan sticks and a gamjee pad.
  • a pair of disposal gloves or paper gloves or gloves bag with gloves.


Bag technique procedure

Select a work area according to the convenient of the family.
Keep the bag in a mat of charpoy in a veranda and place the bag on mackintosh and a paper.
Unbutton the bag of lower compartment.
Remove the hand washing items and wash hands poured or tap water.
Remove apron from the bag and put it on. Be careful not to contaminate the side that touches to your uniform.
Remove the inner compartment item needed for the procedure place in the clean area.
The items needed for the procedure place in the clean area.
Close the bag securely.
Give nursing, care as desired, based on the plan.

After care of articles of community bag technique

When the procedure is over, burn the paper and used articles should clean and replace in outer compartment for sterilization, wash hand with soap under poured water or tap water.
Replace the, clean articles to the inside bag and soap, soap dish and towel in outer pocket.
Fold used newspaper and plastic sheet replace in the outer pocket close the bag.
Record your observations or what was done or instruction given and plans for next visit.



In conclusion, the Bag technique offers a simple yet effective strategy for community engagement and empowerment. By encouraging individuals to share their thoughts, concerns, and aspirations anonymously through written notes placed in a communal bag, this approach fosters inclusivity and participation from all members of the community, regardless of background or status. Through regular collection and review of these notes, community leaders and organizers gain valuable insights into the needs and desires of the community, enabling them to make more informed decisions and implement targeted interventions. Moreover, the anonymity provided by the Bag technique promotes honesty and transparency, creating a safe space for individuals to express themselves freely without fear of judgment or reprisal. Overall, the Bag technique serves as a powerful tool for fostering dialogue, building consensus, and driving positive change within communities.



How often should the Bag technique be implemented in a community setting?

The frequency of implementing the Bag technique can vary depending on the size and dynamics of the community. However, it is recommended to conduct Bag sessions regularly, such as monthly or quarterly, to ensure ongoing engagement and feedback from community members.

What measures can be taken to ensure the anonymity of participants in the Bag technique?

To maintain anonymity, it is essential to provide a designated collection point for the Bag where individuals can deposit their notes without fear of being identified. Additionally, organizers should handle the contents of the Bag with confidentiality and refrain from attempting to identify the authors of specific notes.

How can the insights gathered from the Bag technique be effectively utilized?

The insights gathered from the Bag technique can be used to inform decision-making processes within the community, prioritize initiatives and projects, and tailor interventions to better meet the needs of community members. Organizers can also use the feedback to track progress over time and measure the impact of their actions on the community.

What if someone abuses the anonymity of the Bag technique to spread misinformation or negativity?

While anonymity is essential for creating a safe space for open communication, it is also important to establish guidelines and norms for respectful participation. Community leaders can address instances of abuse or misconduct through clear communication, education, and if necessary, by moderating the contents of the Bag to ensure constructive dialogue prevails.


Have a look here too 👉 Bag technique procedure in Hindi

Bag technique ppt

Bag technique SlideShare


Other procedures to be done in the community:

  • Temperature technique
  • Steam inhalation
  • ORS Preparation
  • Antenatal care
  • Post-natal care
  • Infant assessment
  • toddler assessment
  • Pre-school Children assessment
  • Geriatric assessment

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